Friday, February 28, 2014

Bb World is Coming, Are You Presenting?

Have you done something interesting and awesome within Blackboard and want to present your work? Blackboard Inc. is making a call for presentations for their conference called Bb World that is annually held in Las Vegas.

We would love some of our SU Student Users to be involved!  

Make sure to go to the above link, and create a presentation proposal! 

You might be thinking, "why would I want to go to Las Vegas and look awesome presenting my interesting project that involve Bb?"

Allow me a moment to address this question:
  1. It's Vegas, need any more excuse?
  2. Representing your university on a national scale, and at a conference held by one of their largest business partners should be considered a huge honor.
  3. Presenting at a conference of this magnitude looks attractive to potential graduate school programs.
SU and Bb Inc. have an incredibly strong partnership, and it's time that the rest of the Bb community sees just how savvy SU users really are!  I'll see you in Vegas (hopefully)!

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