Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Blackboard Seeks SU Student Input On Feature Design

Blackboard is designing a potential new feature that would make it easy for students to get the resources need for classes. Students please consider helping out the university's LMS by answering a few questions and taking a look at Bb's proposed design ideas.

The survey is short and can be completed from any Web browser. You can find the survey at https://bbuxresearch.wufoo.com/forms/thoughts-on-bookstore/ Thank you in advance for your time and willingness to make Bb an even better product for SU.

Below is the "Final Exam" policy for the University, just in case you don't know what it is.


1. Faculty may offer the students the option to take the final either on the date for make up that  appears in the closure notice or within another mutually defined time through consultation  with the deans/director to be no later than the add/drop period of the following semester.  The  university will follow the schedule as outlined for the day it closed. Faculty will have to  coordinate with their department to find exam locations for returning students who wish to  take the exam at the beginning of term.  

2. Faculty may offer the exam as a take home exam or use distance learning means to have the  students submit their final work (i.e. online exams through Blackboard, podcasts of  performance or presentations, web page creations, power point presentations, etc.).  

3. Faculty may change the final exam assignment to something that can be done through digital  means, such as a paper or a podcast.  
4. Faculty may offer their classes the option of reassigning different weights to already completed  course work (e.g. quizzes, exams, papers, portfolios, projects, presentations, etc.), thereby  forgoing the final. However, if a student wants to take a final exam, faculty must grant that  request and offer the student the option to do so within the time specified in #1.  
Stay safe and warm during this cold winter day!
Bb Support Team

1 comment:

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