Shenandoah University has always strived to maintain an atmosphere of safety for all students. With nationwide university threats appearing more and more in the news SU would like to remind all of you to PLEASE sign up for SU Emergency Alert. If any campus emergency were to happen including hazardous weather conditions you AND your parents (if they so choose) will be notified immediately. Here are the simple steps if you have not already signed up.
1. Go to the SU home page (
2. Click on the “Go to SU Online” link (right side)
3. Click on the “Blackboard” link
4. Click on the “Emergency Alert” tab
5. Scroll down to the sign up form (note your user name will auto populate to your S.U. user name)
6. Complete all blanks
7. Students: select your graduation month and year (please note, an email reminder will be sent to you 30 days prior to the expiration date you’ve selected)
8. V.P.’s, Faculty & Staff: select any month and year (please note, an email reminder will be sent to you 30 days prior to the expiration date you’ve selected)
9. Read the Terms of Service and check the box
10. Select Create an Account
11. You are not done yet . . . .
1. To activate the email account(s) you’ve listed, a confirmation email will be sent within seconds, simply open it, select reply and send – DO NOT TYPE ANYTHING IN THE BODY OF THE EMAIL – IF YOU DO YOUR ACCOUNT WILL NOT ACTIVATE. THANK YOU.
2. To activate the cellular/pda device text account(s) you’ve listed, a confirmation text message will be sent within seconds, simply open it, and on your signup form type in the four digit code
PLEASE NOTE: It is recommended that you include parents in your account – remind them they will also need to complete items 1 and 2 above.
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